39th Annual Medieval Studies Workshop
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
14 - 16 October 2010
Quest and Conquest:
Spiritual Symbols and Myths in the Indo-Mediterranean and European Worlds
Myths and symbols are at the core of the sacred—a vision of the world which all cultures share through their diverse languages. Quest and conquest have been archetypal concepts for all medieval cultures. Though more often than not quest and conquest have opposed each other as key factors in the historical self-fashioning of individuals and communities, they have also merged in that place of heart which all forms of literary and artistic expression seek to reveal.
The Committee for Medieval Studies at the University of British Columbia solicits contributions for the 39th Annual UBC Medieval Workshop, to be held on Thursday the 14th through Saturday the 16th of October 2010.
Papers dealing with any aspect of ‘quest and conquest’ are invited, especially those that engage with the continuities and differences in the way in which myths and symbols of the spiritual quest and/or conquest ‘travel’, in all forms of expression and exchange, throughout the Medieval Indo-Mediterranean and European worlds.
The conference will be held at Green College, one of the UBC graduate residences, nestled on a forested cliff overlooking ocean and mountains at the edge of the campus in Vancouver, Canada.
Please send proposals (maximum 300 words) plus bio-sketch to Daniela Boccassini by the 30th of June 2010.
This CFP is also available in PDF.