Livia Stoenescu

Education and Employment 

2004–2009 Doctor of Philosophy 
Queen’s University, Art History Department, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Dissertation: “The Visual Narratives of El Greco, Annibale Carracci and Rubens: Altarpieces of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the Early Modern Age”, successfully defended in April 2009 and available now in library use

Teaching assistant and course instructor in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Renaissance art

Related projects and conference papers:
  • “Annibale Carraci and the Modern Reform of Altar Painting,” Cornell University, Annual Symposium, April 2, 2010. 
  • “El Greco’s Washington Laocoon: Re-inventing the Myth in an Early Modern Narrative,” Context and Meaning, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, January 27-28, 2006. 
  • “Canadian Photographer William Notman: Looking at Renaissance Prints and Drawings with a North-American Sentiment,” Queen’s University, March, 2005 

Special Studies in the late Renaissance 

University of Toronto, Fine Arts Department, Canada

Main research projects involved seventeenth-century Italian artist Salvator Rosa and his early modern profile examined against his engagements with theater (“Identity and Disguise in Salvator Rosa’s Self-Portraiture”), prints (“Sensi Liberi in Salvator Rosa’s pictorial ideas”), and the Neo-Stoic direction (“Rosa, Rembrandt, Rubens and Poussin: Neo-Stoic Beliefs, Friendship and Memory”)